
Thanks to our NFTs suitable for building we will forever change your relationship with art by radically changing a definition of ‘authentic’ that we had taken for granted and immutable until now.

Our Mission

Aureal’s main goal is to become a bridge between ‘virtual’ and ‘real’, between architectural design and the building: Aureal will be the trend, the difference between seeing or living inside a work of art.

Moving on a twofold action plan, Aureal aims to innovate digital artistic production in the field of architecture, pushing artistic research beyond the limits of discipline and, at the same time, aims to provide, in an accessible way and through an international coded language, all the information necessary to allow the collector / buyer to construct the subject of his NFT.



we Innovate And Bring New Possibilities In Digital world
to generate a positive impact on the real world

Aureal is a unique artistic / architectural project of its kind which aims to design and release digital works of art (NFT) that contain within them a parametric architectural project that can be built in the real world.

By exploiting the new technologies derived from the BIM methodology and the use of the IFC open format, we promote an alternative marketing strategy that focuses on the design skills of a generation of professionals of the future, architects, engineers, designers and artists who want to renew the connection between digital and real world.

We are going to change the way of selling an AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) product in favour of the uniqueness and of the abilities of the single one or of a group of professionals stopping a serial, obsessive, ruthless and global market, which no longer looks at architectural beauty or a unique and authentic product.

Questions & Answers


How are the projects shown?

Our projects are shown on an online Marketplace through the NFT (an image or a video) which is supported and integrated by additional representations of internal / external environments that can be consulted directly from our website. The project will soon be implemented through VR technology and Augmented Reality.


What does it mean to invest in Aureal's NFT?

From a general point of view, NFT is a non-fungible cryptographic token that represents something unique; non-fungible tokens are not mutually interchangeable. First of all, may be purchased the property of a work of art.

Our representations (NFTs) for sale also include the architectural project reproduced in NFTs. Whoever buys the NFT, would also acquire the ownership and the right to use the entire project, both in the digital world and in the real one.


What does it mean to sell a project?

Buying an architectural project linked to our NFTs means purchasing a package of IT items consisting of: 

  • An IFC file; 
  • a medium that allows navigation in virtual reality.

What is the IFC file linked to the purchase of the NFT?

It is a platform neutral, open file format specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors. It is an object-based file format with a data model developed by buildingSMART (International Alliance for Interoperability, IAI) to facilitate interoperability among the various disciplines of the AEC industry.

The IFC data model is open and available. It is registered by ISO and is an official International Standard ISO 16739-1:2018.

IFC format is manageable by most design software.

Inside it can contain geometric/spatial content, non-geometric and documental data, it can collect all the information regarding the macro-systems:

  • architectural
  • structural
  • electrical systems
  • installations
  • water systems

Many governments are mandating the use of IFC files for government construction projects since it is a neutral data model, a building product, useful for gathering information throughout the life cycle of a building/plant.